book review

publication (book review): raunig's "dividuum"

I have just had a book review of Gerald Raunig's recently translated Dividuum: Machinic Capitalism and Molecular Revolution Vol. 1 published in New Formations. The book is an (Deleuze and Guattari inspired) attempt to both historically trace and develop anew the concept of dividuality and its place in both the politics of the present and in trajectories of potentially revolutionary politics-to-come. 

The full reference is as-follows: Heaney, Conor, 'Inventing New Lines', New Formations, 89/90 (2017), 268-271

Click here to download the review. 

publication (book review): pettman’s "infinite distraction"

I have just had a book review published in Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. I reviewed Dominic Pettman’s recently released interesting text, Infinite Distraction: Paying Attention to Social Media, published by Polity Press. The book is another attempt within contemporary social and cultural theory to consider what we might think and about what we might do in relation to our contemporary algorithmic entanglement with digital technologies.

The full reference is as-follows:

Heaney, Conor, ‘Pettman, Dominic, Infinite Distraction: Paying Attention to Social Media. Cambridge: Polity, 2016’, Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 63, 1 (2016),  75-77

Click here to download the book review.